Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brain? What Brain?

This week is finals week. So of course that means I have the first two consecutive postings in over six months. That's just how it works with me, I'm a procrastinator. Let me tell you a little about the last week for me.... I've slowly been losing my frickin mind.

I've worked 52 hours in the last week. Count 'em, 52. I'm working as a photographer, trying to tell children sit on their ass while their parents yell or criticize them constantly and to look pretty while doing it. Ill behaved kids are bad, bitchy and rude parents are worse. Seriously, can't you see the mob in the waiting room? I can't fix ugly, lady, you're not going to like these pictures no matter what I do or how many I take. Some of the people I see in there are contradictions in themselves. An 'alternative' family who hates the man and professes to thinking corporations are the root of all evil came in the other day. Seriously? Isn't just entering the studio a contradiction to your core beliefs? But who am I to say that, I'm just a lemming pushing a button, right? WRONG! Assholes I have years of experience, and despite working for the root of all evil, I'm a human being that would enjoy some basic respect. Human decency, I've decided, has gone from the world. Not to mention effective parenting.

So while working all these hours, I've been attempting to get graduate work done. This has been especially hard, considering I've already decided I'm not coming back next semester. I'm not a quitter, so I hate the fact that I'm pulling out of the program, but I'm just not happy and I have zero time, I'm running myself ragged and I'm not getting much out of life. No bueno. I don't like that. So, I'm going to start living life a little, work to pay rent and bills, have a little fun in the mean time. Just as an example of my craziness, I got home from work the other night and decided to have some spaghetti O's. I turned on the stove, I kept walking over to stir them... and after stirring them twice, I got up, walked to the kitchen and realized that there was nothing on the stove that I had just turned on.... the pot was still on the counter, sitting there cold, with a spoon. I'm awesome. There was just no excuse good enough for that one.

Can you say.... NUTTY?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were taking portraits! I always thought you'd be good at that, but that you'd hate it.

    I'm proud of you for opting out of school - you need time to relax, breathe and, for god's sake, live.

    And... I want spaghetti o's.
